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The world's tallest tree "Redwood Hyperion" 116.7 meters high


Have you ever thought about what is the tallest tree in the world? Honestly, I myself never thought about it, but because I was curious to hear the questions asked by elementary school or elementary school children in a hangout place, then I wanted to know the answer.

In this world there are actually millions of types of trees with various shapes, sizes and heights, and according to the Wikipedia.org site it states that the tallest tree in the world is a redwood tree or a Hyperion tree.

This hyperion has the scientific name Sequoia sempervirens, this tallest tree soars high in the sky. This Redwood Hyperion tree thrives in mist-shrouded Redwood National Park.

And for the location of Redwood National Park is in the area of ​​Northern California, United States. The Hyperion tree was named by the Guinness Book of World Records as the tallest tree in the world because it has a tree height of 116.7 meters as measured by the Guinness World Record in 2019.

As for the location of the Hyperion tree, nature lovers can now visit the location, the inventor of this tree explained that the Hyperion location has very fertile soil conditions on the hillside.

And according to predictions, tree experts estimate that this tree is between 600 and 800 years old. This Hyperion tree was discovered in 2006, by a researcher.

The tallest tree in the world was first discovered by Chris Atkins and Michael Taylor, they said that in that year the Hyperion tree was about 115.5 m high and in 2019 this tree was back up to 116.7 meters.

All large trees generally thrive on very steep slopes, this tree can thrive in its location. So, not just anyone can enter this area.

Hyperion is not only the tallest tree species in the world, it is also one of the oldest trees on Earth with a lifespan of around 2,000 years.

This Hyperion tree turns out to have a strong tannin content in its bark, so this tree is very strong and very unlikely to be damaged by termites or other destructive pests.

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